Online Workshops με την Christiane Sanderson, Δεκέμβρης 2021

Την Κυριακή 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2021,

η Attachment Parenting Hellas,

φιλοξενεί ON-LINE στην πλατφόρμα του Zoom, τη διεθνούς φήμης ψυχολόγο-ψυχοθεραπεύτρια και σύμβουλο/εκπαιδεύτρια σε θέματα Ενδοοικογενειακής και Σεξουαλικής Βίας, Παιδικής Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης και Διαπροσωπικής Κακοποίησης,

Christiane Sanderson

σε δύο εκπαιδεύσεις, μία για γονείς και μία για επαγγελματίες:

  1. Για γονείς & παιδαγωγούς: Ώρες 11.00-14.00 : “How to become a Trauma-Informed Parent”
  2. Για επαγγελματίες ψυχικής υγείας: Ώρες 16.00-19.00 : “Living in a Fog: Complex Trauma, PTSD and Dissociation”
  1. How to Become a Trauma Informed Parent”:

This workshop is designed to support, parents, carers, teachers and anyone living or working with children. The aim is to help those living or working with children to apply a ‘trauma lens’ to  challenging behaviour and build resilience. The focus will be on how to improve children’s mental health and well being, change generational patterns  of behaviour by enhancing awareness of the trauma informed approach.  Rather than judge or pathologise the child, emphasis is placed on reducing challenging behaviours with curiosity, compassion, kindness and connection.

In adopting a different perspective and a trauma lens parents and carers will be able to increase wellbeing and conflict resolution with stronger relationships, and promote an environment where children can feel connected and safe to express their negative emotions in more appropriate ways. In addition, when parents become more aware of their own triggers and stress reaction then they can start to reduce the stress and help the child feel safer and calmer in turn improving relationships, engagement, confidence and resilience, reducing challenging behaviours and facilitate learning

It will specifically look at:

1. Understanding that all negative behaviours arise from a state of stress and fear.

2. Recognising our own fear and stress in these moments and how that is affecting our connection with our child.

3. Learning what is really going on in our child’s brain and our own brain in these moments of stress and fear.

4. Learning strategies and coping skills to help stay calm and regulated ourselves so that we are more able to help our children learn these skills, enabling them to think clearly enough to make decisions and learn.

5. Understanding the 3 pathways of emotional expression.

6. Seeing the power of an apology when de-escalating a stressful situation and taking the responsibility.

7. The importance of connection and relationship when healing trauma and teaching children to build resilience.

Κόστος συμμετοχής: 60 ευρώ

Early bird εγγραφή μέχρι τις 21/11: 40 ευρώ

2. “Living in a Fog:   Complex Trauma, PTSD and Dissociation

Dissociation is a highly adaptive survival strategy in the presence of systematic and prolonged abuse characteristic of child sexual abuse (CSA) and domestic violence. In the presence of repeated traumatic experiences in which there is no escape, dissociation becomes the default setting making it hard to remain present in the body. As a result many survivors of CSA, rape and domestic abuse numb all affect, disconnect from or delete their body and retreat into their head. This can lead to a range of symptoms which are currently subsumed under subtype Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with Prominent Dissociative Symptoms. To fully understand the role of dissociation in complex trauma It is essential to understand the psychobiological mechanisms that underpin peritraumatic dissociation through the release of a cascade of neurochemicals and the disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity and perception which are the core features of secondary dissociation and structural dissociation, and how these produce the dissociative states, and symptoms seen in  Dissociative Disorders,  Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified  (DDNOS) and Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD).

Many survivors are not aware of the signs or symptoms of dissociation making it imperative that clinicians are able to link client experiences of ‘living in a fog’, ‘wading through mud’, ‘sieve like memory’ and ‘feeling as through someone else is in control’ to dissociative states. Most importantly, identifying clues to dissociation such as  distortions in time, perception and memory, changes in verbal and non-verbal communication, bodily sensations and  cognitive processing,  as well as depersonalisation and derealisation, are  crucial to helping survivors understand the symptoms of dissociation and how to manage these more effectively. In addition, clinicians need to be aware of their own capacity for dissociation when bearing witness to traumatic experiences and the impact of somatic countertransference in order to remain present with survivors of complex trauma.

Emphasis will be placed on what dissociation looks like in practice and how to translate survivors reports of their experiencing of the world into clinical formulation of dissociation and how this can best be managed in the therapeutic setting.  

Topics covered include:

  • What is dissociation and its link to childhood abuse and complex trauma
  • The role of dissociation in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • The continuum of dissociation from everyday dissociation to DID
  • How dissociation differs from psychosis  or schizophrenia
  • The symptoms of dissociation in depersonalisation, derealisation, dissociative fugue and Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • The triggers to dissociation and its impact on functioning
  • The role of grounding, stabilisation and integration
  • The challenges faced by practitioners when working with dissociative disorders

Κόστος συμμετοχής: 120 ευρώ

Early bird εγγραφές μέχρι 21/11: 80 ευρώ

*Και τα δύο workshops θα είναι στην Αγγλική γλώσσα.

Για κρατήσεις θέσεων: 6936524523/


Christiane Sanderson is a senior lecturer in Psychology at the University of Roehampton. . With over 35  years’ experience working with survivors of  childhood  sexual abuse interpersonal trauma and domestic abuse. She has run consultancy and training for parents, teachers, social workers, nurses, therapists, counsellors, solicitors, the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Committee, the Methodist Church, the Metropolitan Police Service, the NSPCC and the Refugee Council and in prisons.  She is the author of Counselling Skills for Working with Shame, Counselling Skills for Working with Trauma:  Healing from Child Sexual Abuse, Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse,  Introduction of Counselling Survivors of Interpersonal Trauma, Counselling Survivors of Domestic Abuse, Counselling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse 3rd Edition, The Seduction of Children: Empowering Parents and Teachers to Protect Children from Child Sexual Abuse all published by  Jessica Kingsley Publishers and   The Warrior Within: A One in Four Handbook to Aid Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence, The Spirit Within: A One in Four Handbook to Aid Recovery from Religious Sexual Abuse Across All Faiths, Responding to Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse: A   pocket guide for professionals, partners, families and friends and   Numbing the Pain: A pocket guide for professionals supporting survivors of childhood sexual abuse and addiction all published by One in Four


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